Saturday 28 February 2015

Group discussion for a collective name

Being included with Bolton's second year end of year show, it was important for us to create a collective name that would illustrate us as a small group of artists. This will also lead to our official professional group title, when promoting ourselves through social media and advertisement.
As we have potentially three upcoming exhibitions, promoting the group would play a vital role in the promotion and successful opening nights of the shows. (appealing to people/companies over social media). Firstly we wanted a name that would describe us as four unique artists, which in turn lead us to the number 4 or Four being used somewhere within the final name. To gather sources of inspiration and ideas we researched into local art collectives, artist phrases and language and locations.
 photo 4sightart_zpsokq5ral7.jpg
After debating and brainstorming, we came to a final decision on 'Foursight Art'. This title combines both Four and foresight, meaning looking ahead to the future. With the four of us looking to promote art within local communities with our exhibitions, and the way we each individually explore the concepts behind our artistic paths, we believed the name fitted perfectly. I am looking forward to promoting the new group over social media to bring attention to our activities and upcoming events.

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